Woven Midwifery is focused on sustainable, evidence based and traditional Midwifery supported care. You may notice that we use a fetoscope instead of a doppler (when appropriate), cloth instead of paper drapes, providing warmth when there are moments of vulnerability.

Homebirth begins with prenatal care
Prenatal care visits are typically 45-90 minutes and encompass the varying layers of experience that pregnancy unfolds before us. Whether it is your first or sixth pregnancy, there is so much to discover. Prenatal care can be so much more than checking vitals, doing labs and listening to the baby’s heartbeat. I also want to check in with how you are integrating into this experience and how your family dynamic might be shifting. We may work through a protocol of herbs to strengthen your immune system or preventative herbs to help mitigate experiences from previous pregnancies. Trauma informed and family centered care is at the heart of my support, as it puts the power in the families hands to make informed decisions that work best for them.
Concurrent and Collaborative Care
Some families decide that they would like to see a Midwife while also receiving concurrent care with an OB, regardless of where the plan is to bring your baby earthside. Lab reports and ultrasounds can be faxed between providers to support your individualized care plan. Ceniza works with many complementary care providers throughout your process and can support you in finding the best Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Lactation Consultant, Naturopath, Cranial Sacral therapist, Massage therapist etc..
Prenatal care support is a beautiful way to establish your medical care as we prepare for an out-of-hospital birth.
If you’re interested in Midwifery Prenatal care separately, please book a consultation.
All Prenatal care visits, including home visits and any additional visits, are included in the global Midwifery fee. Midwifery care can begin at any point in pregnancy, but the more time we have to co-create, the better!
0-28 Weeks of Pregnancy: Visit once a month | 28-36 Weeks of Pregnancy: Visit once every 2 weeks
36-40 Weeks of Pregnancy: Weekly visits | 40-42 Weeks of Pregnancy: Visits twice a week
Late to Care
Sometimes families need to begin prenatal care after 28 weeks gestation- whether it be due to travel or switching care providers. We can collaborate on catching you up on all of the education, preparation, and possibly lab work so that everything is in place for birthing! When families are beginning care in the third trimester, the schedule of prenatal visits will be more frequent, depending on each individual circumstance.

Bodywork is a cornerstone of my prenatal care offerings.
Part of Community Midwifery is holding space for what is on your heart and the passions that you hold as you grow your family. I love hearing your dreams and the revolutionary steps you are taking in nourishing the next generation.

a transformative unfolding
As the birthing window approaches, I will be seeing you weekly and we will be in close communication. A beautiful part of having a small Midwifery practice is that I am typically on call for only a few families per month and you can always call me if you have questions or concerns, but especially near this time, as labor signs can sometimes be nebulous. The keys to ease for each individual will be different but I encourage intentional rest, nourishment, and movement.
Birthing is a vulnerable place that takes us places we never thought we could go, expanding into ourselves is a right of passage that I hold with reverence.
The contemporary concept of Midwifery encompasses tools that weren’t previously accessible to the Midwives in many of our lineages. In California, Midwifery licensure grants us the ability to carry tools such as Oxygen, IV fluids, antibiotics, and medications. We have the previous generations and especially the Granny and Indigenous Midwives to honor, in carrying the knowledge of herbs and supportive techniques forward. There may be times around birth where one of these tools are required, and I am prepared to support you if the need arises.
Weaving the web of support is truly an art

Postpartum & newborn Care
Welcoming your baby into the world is a time of deep pause and quiet, to hear the story your baby has to share with us as they open their lungs for the first time, is such a blessing. This pause is a time for you to meet your baby and welcome them into this world. Sometimes babies need our help and we can do most of this support right next you, without cutting the umbilical cord. I offer postpartum sitz bath herbal blends as well as belly binding in the immediate postpartum period to aid your tissues in healing. Typically after around 2 hours, or after a good meal for both parents and baby, I offer a comprehensive newborn exam- where I take my time in. The usual immediate postpartum time is 4-6 hours before we tuck the family in to rest and then the first postpartum visit is within 24-48 hrs.
So much happens within the first year and I am here to support you and your family through the changes. Studies have shown that a difference in support throughout the first year can dramatically affect breastfeeding rates, emotional well being, and the health of the family overall.
Postpartum visits occur in your home at:
24-48 hrs | 3-days | 1-week | 2-weeks | 4-weeks
The 6-week postpartum visit is done in our office with optional follow up visits throughout the first year!
3-months | 6-months | 9-months | 1-year
Home birthing clients will be given a global fee quote based on their annual income on our sliding scale that is $5,500 to $7,700, inclusive of a deposit at the start of care, and payment being complete by 36 weeks gestation.
If finances are giving you pause, please connect with me to work out a payment/ reciprocity plan.

Kind Words

Schedule a consultation
My office is located in the Mission Hills area of San Diego, CA at 4070 Goldfinch St. San Diego, CA
All consultations need to be made in advance, prior to visiting our office.
Families and projects that are greater than a 45 mile distance from our office will be considered on a case by case basis.
Click the button below to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Insurance and Billing
If a client has insurance, they have the option to submit a claim. The Midwife's insurance biller, STM Billing will submit a Verification of Benefits and is available to answer any questions regarding insurance reimbursement. These clients will pay a retainer fee to the Midwife and their reimbursement will be based on their individual insurance plans and deductible. Unfortunately Woven Midwifery cannot accept Medi-Cal for care, but it may be used to cover the cost of labs.
Insurance can be billed for any type of visit, after the care is received. Unfortunately Licensed Midwives are considered Out-of-Network so a Verification of Benefits can be done, by request through our biller, STM Billing.
Insurance coverage for pregnancy related care is done globally- meaning the care between conception through 6 weeks postpartum is typically billed collectively, after 6 weeks postpartum.
Medical Loan Option
United Medical Credit offers medical loans to help cover midwifery care costs. This option can be used for families who don’t have insurance or who are waiting for their insurance reimbursement to arrive after the global midwifery service has been rendered and the billing has been submitted. Click Here to Discover Medical Loan Options